This game is kinda funny. I have played this weird hybrid, lucky/observant game based on me being in hotel rooms every night and having next to no time to strategize or do challenges, yet I am one step away from F5. It's kinda nuts. Last vote, idols were played by Jeremy, Elsa, & Lisbeth on themselves. And somebody played an idol on me. Iggy says it wasn't her, so I figure it must be Charlie. But Iggy is making big moves now and wants to change the game. All the votes were nullified by idols and only Charlie & Larry were left to have a tiebreaker. I lost my bff Larry, but I seem to have more and more hope in the game as we head to the end. This vote, Iggy says she IS playing an idol on me this time and that her "side" doesn't know that she has flipped yet. I presented some arguments to Jeremy as a back up plan to get him doubting his alliance with Lisbeth/Elsa. Let's face it; those two have a F2 and need each other to have a chance to win. Neither of them can beat Jeremy. So Jeremy's loyalty will cost him the game if I can't change his mind. How I hope this vote will go is they all vote for me again and Iggy's idol saves me. We have two votes on Lisbeth so she will go. But if she has another idol then Jeremy will have one vote on him and he will go. Either way, we should take over a 3 vs 2 advantage at that point and I am soooo close to finals. There is a slight chance Iggy is not being truthful and I will just go this time, but I hope not. I hope no one has idols but Iggy at this point, but we will see. This vote will pretty much determine who will be F2. If Iggy's plan works and I stay and Lisbeth or Jeremy goes, I have a great shot at F2 with Iggy or Charlie. If the plan backfires, Elsa & Lisbeth will make F2 unless Jeremy goes on an immunity run. Here's hoping!!